Person & Location Data API


T2A supplies software developers with the high quality data required for building professional websites and business applications.

Find out what you can do with our API

See who lives at an address

Obtain the names and telephone numbers of all residents who have lived, or are currently living, at a specified address.

Age verification

Validate that someone is aged 18+ if you are selling age restricted products or services.

Find a business telephone number

Search current UK telephone data to find UK business telephone numbers by name and/or location.

Check a telephone number against the TPS

Incorporate Telephone Preference Service checking of customer phone numbers into your website or CRM.

Find a person

Search for a UK individual across our vast dataset of edited electoral roll, phone book and consumer data.

Find a company

Search for a company and integrate Companies House information into your system such as credit reports and filed accounts.

See who lives at an address

Obtain the names and telephone numbers of all residents who have lived, or are currently living, at a specified address.

Age verification

Validate that someone is aged 18+ if you are selling age restricted products or services.

Find a business telephone number

Search current UK telephone data to find UK business telephone numbers by name and/or location.

Check a telephone number against the TPS

Incorporate Telephone Preference Service checking of customer phone numbers into your website or CRM.

Find a person

Search for a UK individual across our vast dataset of edited electoral roll, phone book and consumer data.

Find a company

Search for a company and integrate Companies House information into your system such as credit reports and filed accounts.

Explore T2A

A Guide to using T2A API

T2A is an Application Programming Interface (API) that provides fast, reliable and secure online transactional access to our data sets and validation services

Our documentation guide gives full details of the API, intended for software developers who wish to use one or more of the T2A methods. We provide a simple XML/JSON for easy integration and code samples in popular languages including PHP, classic ASP and Javascript.

Find out more

Trusted by 200+ companies and public sector organisations

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