
Our people finder is used by virtually every business and public sector type. We offer the UK’s most powerful search tool to help you find people and ‘linked’ individuals.

Our business and director searches use the latest Companies House data to provide a wealth of information on UK companies including director details, credit reports, accounts, and company filings

Find complete addresses plus details on the property and occupants. Our address search uses the most up-to-date data, which is why so many companies use us to clean their customer information.

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Trusted by 200+ companies and public sector organisations

People & business data made accessible for search and analysis

At Simunix we bring together people and business information from a variety of government, commercial and opted-in marketing sources and make it available via a platform to suit you.

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Our accreditations

Simunix is proud to have achieved the following accreditations:


Powerful search tools designed for you

See who lives at an address

Obtain the names and telephone numbers of all residents who have lived, or are currently living, at a specified address.

Age verification

Validate your data against our UK people data sources to see if a record, aged over 18, is found.

Find a Person

Search for a UK individual across our vast dataset of edited electoral roll, phone book and consumer data.

Find a telephone number

Search for UK residential and business telephone numbers by name and/or location.

Verify that a UK person exists

Check that a UK individual, such as a potential customer, is who they say they are.

Deceased checking

Check whether an individual is listed on the Bereavement Register.

Check a number against the TPS

Make sure you can legally call someone by checking your customers against the Telephone Preference Service.

Bank verification

Verify the bank details of a company or individual.

Search for a company

Find credit reports and other information on UK companies from Companies House data.

Search for a director

Find a person’s current and previous directorships of UK companies.

Data Enrichment

Improve marketing lists by adding up-to-date contact telephone numbers.

Find an address or postcode

Search for UK addresses and postcodes using data from the Royal Mail Postal Address Finder (PAF).

See who lives at an address

Obtain the names and telephone numbers of all residents who have lived, or are currently living, at a specified address.

Age verification

Validate your data against our UK people data sources to see if a record, aged over 18, is found.

Find a Person

Search for a UK individual across our vast dataset of edited electoral roll, phone book and consumer data.

Find a telephone number

Search for UK residential and business telephone numbers by name and/or location.

Verify that a UK person exists

Check that a UK individual, such as a potential customer, is who they say they are.

Deceased checking

Check whether an individual is listed on the Bereavement Register.

Check a number against the TPS

Make sure you can legally call someone by checking your customers against the Telephone Preference Service.

Bank verification

Verify the bank details of a company or individual.

Search for a company

Find credit reports and other information on UK companies from Companies House data.

Search for a director

Find a person’s current and previous directorships of UK companies.

Data Enrichment

Improve marketing lists by adding up-to-date contact telephone numbers.

Find an address or postcode

Search for UK addresses and postcodes using data from the Royal Mail Postal Address Finder (PAF).

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Police & Security

Real-time data that moves with you

Chief Inspector

West Midlands Police

“We regularly use ORBIS to locate and contact individuals of interest to historic investigations”

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Supporting GDPR

We are committed to ensuring that individuals’ personal data displayed and collected on our websites is compliant with all applicable data protection legislation, such as GDPR. We work closely with our data partners to ensure that we only use consented or ‘opted-in’ data. Please see our privacy policy for more information.

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